Caring for your eyes during WFM or HBL

Covid19 changed how the world is working and learning. Starting from the circuit breaker in Singapore last year, we experienced new waves of eye-related issues, discomfort pertaining to pro-longed screen time, wearing of mask etc. This article will talk about the common problems that is caused by WFM or HBL.

  1. Mask-related eye discomfort

    Prolonged wearing of ill-fitting face mask results in a constant stream of hot air from our breaths venting upwards, resulting in evaporative dry eyes, causing irritation and decreased vision.

    Reduce the stream of air by either using a mask with a pliable nose wire or taping up the top of the mask to the bridge. Use of artificial lubricants will help to reduce irritation.
  2. Digital eye strain

    Prolonged near work ( not necessary digital devices, can be books or documents) resulting in wide ranging symptoms like headaches, eye-aches, blurred vision, double vision, nausea, dry eyes etc. When one is looking at a near object, your medial rectus contracts to move both your eyes inward to converge and your ciliary muscles contract to focus on the object that you are looking at. Like any other muscles, overuse results in muscle fatigue and cramps. Your brain may also have to cope with an inconsistently sharp image resulting in nausea. Staring at a screen also reduces blink rate, resulting in dry eyes.

    Take short vision breaks( even looking in the distance for a few seconds is useful) every 20-30 mins.
    Increase your screen working distance to reduce the convergence and accommodation required.
    Lubricate your eyes before, during and after use of the digital device
    Rotate your eyes to stretch your different extra-ocular muscles
    See your optometrist for special computer glasses ( not just blue-ray blockers) to help relax the accommodation

  3. Myopia Progression

    We have noticed a increase in the rate of myopia progression in children especially those below the age of 12. Extensive near work, limited outdoor time has been linked to myopia progression. With home based learning and circuit breaker, most children have been spending their time at home and using digital devices for both education and leisure. This increases the amount of neat work that they usually do when they are attending school. With parents preoccupied with work at home, the children may also be given more time with the digital devices.

    We will encourage besides setting breaks for them, parents will also want to consider using the TV instead of near digital devices to entertain the kids. The increase in the viewing distance will help to reduce accommodation, thus reduce the risk of myopia progression. A walk around the estate in the mornings or evenings will also increase dopamine that may help to slow myopia progression.

    For children that myopia has already set in or progressing rapidly (more than -1.00D in a year), parents should consider myopia control. There are currently 3 types of myopia control that is proven to slow the rate of myopia progression, atropine eyedrops, special spectacle lenses(Miyosmart) and special contact lenses (Misight & Ortho-k). Reach out to your ophthalmologist or optometrist to see which is best suited for your child.